The Sleeping Voice
Set against the backdrop of post-Civil War Spain, this poignant drama delves into the lives of two sisters, Pepita and Hortensia, as they navigate the harsh realities of a repressive regime. The film, directed by Benito Zambrano, explores themes of resilience and sisterhood amidst political turmoil. Starring María León and Inma Cuesta, the narrative unfolds with emotional depth and historical insight. Notably, María León’s performance earned her the Best Actress award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Director: Benito Zambrano
Actors: Amparo Vega-León, Ana Wagener, Ángela Cremonte, Berta Ojea, Daniel Holguín, Inma Cuesta, Lola Casamayor, Marc Clotet, María León, Susi Sánchez
Country: Spain
Company: Audiovisual Aval SGR, Maestranza Films, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $2,764,436