The Snowtown Murders
Set in a bleak Australian suburb, this film delves into the chilling true story of a series of murders orchestrated by a charismatic yet sinister figure, John Bunting. The narrative follows a vulnerable teenager, Jamie, who becomes entangled in Bunting’s web of manipulation and violence. Directed by Justin Kurzel, the movie is noted for its raw and unsettling portrayal of real-life events, capturing the psychological and emotional turmoil of its characters. While it did not receive major awards, it garnered critical acclaim for its intense performances and atmospheric storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama
Director: Justin Kurzel
Actors: Aaron Viergever, Anthony Groves, Beau Gosling, Daniel Henshall, Frank Cwertniak, Louise Harris, Lucas Pittaway, Marcus Howard, Matthew Howard, Richard Green
Country: Australia
Company: Carver Films, Screen Australia, The South Australian Film Corporation
Worldwide Gross: $1,349,387