The Starling
In this heartfelt drama, a couple grapples with the aftermath of a personal tragedy, each dealing with their grief in different ways. Melissa McCarthy stars as Lilly, who finds herself in an unexpected battle with a persistent starling that has taken over her garden, symbolizing her internal struggles. Chris O’Dowd plays her husband, Jack, who is seeking solace in a mental health facility. Directed by Theodore Melfi, the film explores themes of healing and resilience with a touch of humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Theodore Melfi
Actors: Chris O'Dowd, Daveed Diggs, Kevin Kline, Kimberly Quinn, Laura Harrier, Loretta Devine, Melissa McCarthy, Rosalind Chao, Skyler Gisondo, Timothy Olyphant
Country: United States of America
Company: Boies Schiller Entertainment, Culmination Productions, Entertainment One