The Stupids
Directed by John Landis, this 1996 comedy follows the misadventures of the Stupid family, led by the clueless patriarch Stanley, played by Tom Arnold. The family embarks on a series of absurd and misguided quests, believing they are uncovering a vast conspiracy, which leads to a series of comedic mishaps. The film features a supporting cast that includes Jessica Lundy and Christopher Lee, adding to its quirky charm. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a cult favorite for its slapstick humor and satirical take on suburban life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: John Landis
Actors: Alex McKenna, Bug Hall, Christopher Lee, David Ferry, Frankie Faison, Jessica Lundy, Mark Metcalf, Matt Keeslar, Robert Wise, Tom Arnold
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Imagine Entertainment, Savoy Pictures, The Rank Organisation
Worldwide Gross: $2,491,989