The Summit
“The Summit” is a documentary film from 2012, directed by Nick Ryan, that explores the tragic events of the 2008 K2 disaster. The film blends real documentary footage with dramatized reenactments to depict the catastrophe, during which eleven climbers lost their lives in a brief period, marking one of the most devastating incidents in mountaineering history. Swedish mountaineer Fredrik Sträng captured much of the documentary footage. Although Sträng initially intended to create his own documentary, his plans were halted when he failed to reach the summit. Nevertheless, his footage proved crucial in piecing together the various accounts of what transpired, as each climber had a different version of the events.
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Genre: Adventure, Documentary
Director: Nick Ryan
Actors: Christine Barnes, Hoselito Bite, Marco Confortola
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Fantastic Films, Image Now, Passion Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $277,651