The Taking of Deborah Logan
A gripping found footage horror film directed by Adam Robitel, this movie follows a documentary crew as they delve into the life of an elderly woman, Deborah Logan, who is battling Alzheimer’s disease. As the crew documents her daily struggles, they begin to witness increasingly bizarre and terrifying occurrences that suggest something far more sinister is at play. The film stars Jill Larson in a haunting performance as Deborah, alongside Anne Ramsay and Michelle Ang. Known for its chilling atmosphere and unsettling narrative, the movie has gained a cult following among horror enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Adam Robitel
Actors: Anne Bedian, Anne Ramsay, Brett Gentile, Jeremy DeCarlos, Jill Larson, Julianne Taylor, Melissa Lozoff, Michelle Ang, Ryan Cutrona, Tonya Bludsworth
Country: United States of America
Company: Bad Hat Harry Productions, Casadelic Pictures, Jeff Rice Films
Worldwide Gross: $407,782