The Terror of Hallow’s Eve
In this chilling horror film directed by Todd Tucker, a bullied teenager named Timmy conjures a malevolent entity on Halloween night, seeking revenge on those who have tormented him. As the night unfolds, the creature’s terrifying power spirals out of control, leading to a series of horrifying events. The film features notable performances by Doug Jones and Sarah Lancaster, adding depth to its eerie atmosphere. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Todd Tucker
Actors: Annie Read, Brett Stimely, Caleb Thomas, Christian Kane, Christie Nicole Chaplin, Doug Jones, JT Neal, Mcabe Gregg, Niko Papastefanou, Sarah Lancaster
Country: United States of America
Company: Illusion Industries, Quest Pacifica, Quixotic Productions