The Trip to Bountiful
In this heartfelt drama, an elderly woman named Carrie Watts, portrayed by the legendary Cicely Tyson, yearns to return to her childhood home in the small town of Bountiful, Texas. Despite the objections of her overprotective son and daughter-in-law, she embarks on a journey filled with nostalgia and self-discovery. The film, directed by Michael Wilson, captures the essence of longing and the search for belonging. Cicely Tyson’s performance was widely acclaimed, earning her a Primetime Emmy Award nomination. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Michael Wilson
Actors: Arthur French, Blair Underwood, Cicely Tyson, Clancy Brown, Devon Abner, Keke Palmer, Pat Bowie, Vanessa Williams
Country: United States of America
Company: Ostar Productions