The Wailing
In this South Korean horror-thriller, a small village is plunged into chaos when a mysterious illness begins to spread, leading to violent outbreaks and unexplained deaths. The local police officer, played by Kwak Do-won, finds himself entangled in the investigation, which takes a dark turn as he encounters a mysterious stranger and a shaman. Directed by Na Hong-jin, the film is noted for its atmospheric tension and intricate storytelling. While it did not win major international awards, it was well-received for its unique blend of horror and mystery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Na Hong-jin
Actors: Chun Woo-hee, Heo Jin, Hur Jin, Hwang Jung-min, Jang So-yeon, Jo Han-chul, Jun Kunimura, Kim Do-yoon, Kim Hwan-hee, Kwak Do-won, Son Kang-gook
Country: South Korea, United States of America
Company: 20th Century Fox, Fox International Production, Ivanhoe Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $49,851,770