The Wave
In this gripping German drama directed by Dennis Gansel, a high school teacher, played by Jürgen Vogel, conducts an experiment to demonstrate the dangers of autocracy to his students. The project spirals out of control as the students become increasingly absorbed in the movement, leading to unforeseen and dramatic consequences. The film explores themes of power, control, and the susceptibility of individuals to authoritarian ideologies. While it did not receive major international awards, it was well-received for its intense narrative and thought-provoking content. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Dennis Gansel
Actors: Alexander Held, Allison Tolman, Amelie Kiefer, Christiane Paul, Cristina do Rego, Dennis Gansel, Elyas M’Barek, Fabian Preger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Frederick Lau, Friederike Wagner, Hubert Mulzer, Jacob Matschenz, Jaime Krsto Ferkic, Jennifer Ulrich, Johanna Gastdorf, Joseph M'Barek, Jürgen Vogel, Karoline Teska, Lennard Bertzbach, Lucas Hardt, Marco Bretscher-Coschignano, Maren Kroymann, Max Mauff, Max Riemelt, Maximilian Vollmar, Natascha Paulick, Odine Johne, Teresa Harder, Thomas Sarbacher, Tim Oliver Schultz, Tino Mewes, Tommy Schwimmer
Company: B.A. Produktion, Constantin Film, Rat Pack Filmproduktion
Worldwide Gross: $32,350,637