The Wrong Neighbor
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Sam Irvin, a family finds their lives turned upside down when they become entangled with a mysterious and dangerous new neighbor. The film stars Michael Madsen and Andrea Bogart, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the escalating tension and unexpected twists. As secrets unravel, the family must confront their deepest fears to protect themselves. This gripping narrative can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: Sam Irvin
Actors: Andrea Bogart, Ashlynn Yennie, Ayani Tamar, Cristine Prosperi, Dominic Leeder, James Gaisford, Jude Lanston, Julia Farino, Michael Madsen, Steve Richard Harris
Country: United States of America
Company: Hybrid