This Must Be the Place
In this intriguing film directed by Paolo Sorrentino, Sean Penn stars as Cheyenne, a retired rock star living a quiet life in Dublin. The plot follows Cheyenne’s journey to America to confront a dark family secret and seek closure for his late father. The film is a unique blend of drama and road movie, exploring themes of identity and redemption. Notably, the film was in competition at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Paolo Sorrentino
Actors: Danielle O'Brien, Eve Hewson, Frances McDormand, Johnny Ward, Mairin O'Donovan, Margaret O'Reilly, Olwen Fouéré, Sam Keeley, Sean Penn, Simon Delaney
Country: Austria, France, Ireland, Italy
Company: Indigo Film, Lucky Red, Medusa Film
Worldwide Gross: $11,928,909