Three Days and a Life
Set in a small French village, this gripping drama unfolds over three pivotal days in the life of a young boy named Antoine. The story delves into the profound impact of a tragic event that shatters the community’s tranquility and leaves lasting scars on its inhabitants. As secrets unravel, the film explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the passage of time. Directed by Nicolas Boukhrief, the movie features compelling performances that bring depth to its complex narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nicolas Boukhrief
Actors: Arben Bajraktaraj, Charles Berling, Dimitri Storoge, Igor van Dessel, Jérémie Senez, Margot Bancilhon, Pablo Pauly, Philippe Torreton, Sandrine Bonnaire, Yoann Blanc
Company: France 3 Cinéma, Gaumont, Mahi Films
Worldwide Gross: $697,180