Three Steps Above Heaven
In this Spanish romantic drama directed by Fernando González Molina, the story follows the intense and passionate relationship between two young individuals from different worlds. Hache, played by Mario Casas, is a rebellious and troubled young man, while Babi, portrayed by María Valverde, is a sheltered and affluent girl. Their love story unfolds amidst the backdrop of societal expectations and personal struggles, exploring themes of love, rebellion, and self-discovery. The film is based on the novel by Federico Moccia and has gained a significant following for its portrayal of youthful romance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fernando González Molina
Actors: Álvaro Cervantes, Andrea Duro, Cristina Plazas, Diego Martín, Joan Crosas, Jordi Bosch, María Valverde, Marina Salas, Mario Casas, Nerea Camacho
Country: Spain
Company: Antena 3 Films, Antena 3 Televisión, Canal+ España
Worldwide Gross: $14,066,238