In this poignant drama, the story follows Pin-Jui, a Taiwanese immigrant who reflects on his past life choices and the sacrifices he made for a better future in America. The narrative weaves between his youth in Taiwan and his present life, exploring themes of love, regret, and familial bonds. Directed by Alan Yang, the film features a compelling performance by Tzi Ma, who brings depth to the character of Pin-Jui. While the movie has not received major awards, it has been praised for its heartfelt storytelling and beautiful cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Alan Yang
Actors: Christine Ko, Fang Yo-hsing, Fiona Fu, Hayden Szeto, James Saito, Joan Chen, Kunjue Li, Lee Hong Chi, Raymond Ma, Tzi Ma, Yo-Hsing Fang
Country: United States of America