TINSEL: The Lost Movie About Hollywood
“TINSEL – The Lost Movie About Hollywood” offers a poignant and heartfelt exploration of the worldwide fascination with cinema. Misplaced for three decades and never before screened for audiences, this film provides a unique perspective on the film industry around 1990, delving into themes of celebrity culture and a deep passion for movies. It features newly added scenes that provide insights from the 21st century, reflecting on the industry’s uncertain future as technological advancements and emerging platforms transform the way we experience films.
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Genre: Comedy, Documentary
Director: James F. Robinson
Actors: Beau Bridges, Daniel Petrie Jr., John Furia, JR, Kevin Jarre, Larry Karaszewski, Martin Landau, Oscar Saul, Phil Alden Robinson, Rob Cohen, Scott Alexander
Country: United States of America
Company: White Lion Pictograph, ZapPictures