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In this intriguing French comedy-thriller, two female detectives, played by Isabelle Huppert and Sandrine Kiberlain, are sent to a small town to investigate the murder of an Algerian informant. The film, directed by Serge Bozon, cleverly blends elements of slapstick humor with a noir atmosphere, creating a unique cinematic experience. As the investigation unfolds, the detectives’ personal quirks and unconventional methods add layers of complexity to the narrative. While the film did not receive major awards, it stands out for its distinctive style and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Director: Serge Bozon
Actors: Aymen Saïdi, Elie Lison, François Damiens, François Négret, Isabelle Huppert, Issam Akel, Karole Rocher, Saïda Bekkouche, Samy Naceri, Sandrine Kiberlain
Country: Belgium, France, Luxembourg
Company: Iris Films, Iris Productions, Les Films Pelléas
Worldwide Gross: $10,201