To Live
Set against the backdrop of China’s tumultuous mid-20th century history, this film follows the life of Fugui, a once-wealthy man who loses his fortune and must navigate the challenges of survival and family life through the Chinese Civil War and the Cultural Revolution. Directed by the acclaimed Yimou Zhang, the film stars Ge You and Gong Li, delivering powerful performances that capture the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit. The film was awarded the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Yimou Zhang
Actors: Ben Niu, Dong Fei, Ge You, Gong Li, Guo Tao, Huang Zong Luo, Huang Zongluo, Jiang Wu, Li Lianyi, Liu Tianchi, Ni Dahong, Niu Ben, Xiao Cong, Yu Hua, Zhang Lu, Zhang Yimou, 余华, 倪大红
Company: ERA International, Shanghai Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studios
Worldwide Gross: $2,332,728