The narrative revolves around a mysterious serial killer who visits a small town every year, committing horrific murders that appear unconnected. The townspeople find it hard to believe that a single killer could be behind these crimes. Detective Denver has encountered this killer, known as Trick, in the past and supposedly ended his life. Despite what others say, Denver is convinced that Trick survived and is planning to return for vengeance.
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Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Patrick Lussier
Actors: Adrienne Bengtsson, Alex Breaux, Ellen Adair, Jamie Kennedy, Jerome Charvet, Kristina Reyes, Kya Taylor Brickhouse, Omar Epps, Tom Atkins, Vanessa Aspillaga
Country: United States of America
Company: Durango Pictures, Film Bridge International, Trix2019
Worldwide Gross: $48,953