Set against the backdrop of Hong Kong’s 1997 handover, this crime thriller weaves together the lives of three notorious criminals, each grappling with their own ambitions and moral dilemmas. The film stars Richie Jen, Gordon Lam, and Jordan Chan, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate a world of betrayal and shifting loyalties. Directed by Frank Hui, the movie captures the tension and uncertainty of the era with a gripping narrative. It was recognized at the Hong Kong Film Awards, winning Best Film. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Frank Hui, Jevons Au, Vicky Wong
Actors: Aoi Ma, Jordan Chan, Lam Ka-tung, Lau Ga-Yung, Le Zi-Long, Philip Keung Hiu-Man, Philip Keung Ho-Man, Richie Jen, Thimjapo Chattida, To Yin-Gor, Zhang Kai
Company: Beijing Hairun Pictures Company, Media Asia Films, Milky Way Image Company
Worldwide Gross: $977,033