UNREQUITED is a psychological thriller that follows the story of Ben Jacobs, a young man with a troubled past. On his 18th birthday, Ben is forced to leave the group home for “troubled teens” where he has been residing for several months and return to live with his alcoholic mother. Upon his return, he finds out that his girlfriend, Jessica Morgan, has moved on and is now in a relationship with an older college student. Struggling with the loss and yearning for love, Ben’s past issues resurface, leading him to kidnap Jessica in a desperate bid to win back her affection. As he spirals out of control on a perilous path, Ben faces a critical decision: to release her or cling to the only person he loves, even if it risks destroying them both.
Director: Jason Epperson
Actors: Amy Hess, Brett Rice, Bruce McKinnon, Clare Carey, David Keith, Gregory Alan Williams, Justin Baldoni, Michael Welch, Noah Lentini, Sarah Habel
Country: United States of America
Company: Lucky Day Studios, The Group Entertainment