Untitled Horror Movie
In this 2021 horror-comedy, a group of actors, played by a talented ensemble cast including Claire Holt and Katherine McNamara, find themselves in a precarious situation when they inadvertently summon a malevolent spirit while filming a low-budget horror movie over Zoom. The film cleverly blurs the lines between reality and fiction, offering a satirical take on the challenges of filmmaking during a pandemic. Directed by Nick Simon, the movie is a unique blend of humor and horror, showcasing the creativity that can emerge from constraints. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nick Simon
Actors: Aisha Tyler, Claire Holt, Darren Barnet, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Kal Penn, Katherine McNamara, Kevin Daniels, Lesly Kahn, Luke Baines, Timothy Granaderos
Country: United States of America