Upsidedown Cross
Nadine, a young prostitute struggling with drug addiction and withdrawal, finds herself abandoned and mistreated by the police. She decides to return to her childhood home and the mother she once fled from. Her mother, Delilah, is a devout Christian who believes her daughter’s erratic behavior is due to demonic possession. Desperate for a solution, Delilah enlists the help of a rogue preacher who offers to perform an exorcism for a price. Unbeknownst to them, they have inadvertently welcomed evil into their home. As Delilah turns a blind eye to the strange rituals taking place, Nadine, tormented by both mental and physical anguish, is forced to endure the preacher’s increasingly violent deception.
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Director: William Hellfire
Actors: Charles Moran, Colleen Cohan, David Yow, Erin Russ, G.J. Marko, Mark DeMicco, Rick Savage, Tina Krause, Victor Bonacore, William Hellfire
Country: United States of America