Vanishing on 7th Street
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Brad Anderson, a mysterious blackout causes the population of Detroit to vanish, leaving behind only their clothes and belongings. A small group of survivors, including stars Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, and John Leguizamo, must navigate the eerie, deserted city while grappling with the encroaching darkness that seems to be alive. As they seek refuge in a dimly lit bar, they struggle to understand the phenomenon and find a way to survive. The film explores themes of isolation and fear, creating a tense atmosphere that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Brad Anderson
Actors: Carolyn Clifford, Erin Nicole, Hayden Christensen, Hugh Maguire, Jacob Latimore, John Leguizamo, Jordan Trovillion, Neal Huff, Taylor Groothuis, Thandiwe Newton
Country: United States of America
Company: Herrick Entertainment, Mandalay Vision, Plum Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,671,196