“Vasermil” follows the journey of three adolescents navigating life in a challenging neighborhood, where they see football as their escape route. Shlomi, who lives with his widowed mother, younger sister, and stepfather, earns a living as a pizza delivery boy. Adiel, of Ethiopian heritage, is responsible for caring for his younger brother and ailing mother. Dima, a recent immigrant from Russia, has an unemployed father and a mother who works as a cleaner. These three young men are brought together by the coach of the local football team. Their path to success in the tournament hinges on their ability to unite as a team, which could catch the attention of scouts from the local football scene. To triumph in the tournament, they must collaborate, overcome their differences, and rise above feelings of inferiority and prejudice.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama
Director: Mushon Salmona
Actors: Avinoam Blumenkrantz, Benni Adega, Edna Fanta, Oksana Sokol
Country: Israel
Company: Transfax Film Productions