In this gripping crime thriller directed by Johnnie To, a French chef embarks on a relentless quest for retribution after his daughter’s family is brutally attacked. The film stars the iconic Johnny Hallyday, whose performance adds depth to the intense narrative. As the protagonist navigates the underworld of Macau, he enlists the help of local hitmen, leading to a series of tense and action-packed encounters. This film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Johnnie To
Actors: Anthony Wong, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Eddie Cheung, Felix Wong, Johnny Hallyday, Lam Ka-tung, Lam Suet, Michelle Ye, Simon Yam, Suet Lam, Sylvie Testud, Vincent Sze
Company: ARP SĂ©lection, Media Asia Films, Milky Way Image Company
Worldwide Gross: $1,423,604