Walking On Sunshine
Set against the vibrant backdrop of a sun-drenched coastal village, this musical romantic comedy follows the intertwining lives of two sisters, Taylor and Maddie, as they navigate love and relationships. The film is infused with catchy 1980s pop hits, adding a nostalgic charm to the unfolding drama. Starring Hannah Arterton and Annabel Scholey, the story takes unexpected turns as past and present collide during a wedding celebration. Directed by Dania Pasquini, the film offers a feel-good experience with its lively dance numbers and scenic views. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 52
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Musical, Romance
Director: Dania Pasquini, Max Giwa
Actors: Annabel Scholey, Danny Kirrane, Giulio Berruti, Giulio Maria Corso, Greg Wise, Hannah Arterton, Katy Brand, Leona Lewis, Roberto Leone
Country: Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: IM Global, Vertigo Films, Yellowsaw Productions
Worldwide Gross: $4,721,182