We Have a Pope
In this Italian comedy-drama, the story unfolds within the Vatican as the College of Cardinals convenes to elect a new pope. However, the newly elected pontiff, played by Michel Piccoli, experiences a crisis of confidence, leading to an unexpected and humorous exploration of faith and identity. Directed by Nanni Moretti, who also stars in the film, the narrative delves into the human side of religious leadership. While the film did not receive major international awards, it was well-received for its unique blend of humor and introspection. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nanni Moretti
Actors: Camillo Milli, Erik Merino, Franco Graziosi, Jerzy Stuhr, Margherita Buy, Michel Piccoli, Nanni Moretti, Renato Scarpa, Roberto Nobile, Ulrich von Dobschütz
Company: Fandango, Le Pacte, Sacher Film
Worldwide Gross: $17,877,523