Werckmeister Harmonies
Set in a desolate Hungarian town, this film follows the story of a young man named János Valuska, who becomes embroiled in the chaos that ensues when a mysterious circus arrives, bringing with it a giant whale and a shadowy figure known as the Prince. The narrative explores themes of societal breakdown and existential dread, all captured through the hauntingly beautiful black-and-white cinematography. Directed by Béla Tarr, the film is renowned for its long takes and minimalist style, which contribute to its meditative pace and atmospheric tension. While it did not receive major awards, it has been praised for its artistic merit and philosophical depth. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ágnes Hranitzky, Béla Tarr
Actors: Alfréd Járai, Éva Almássy Albert, Gyula Pauer, Hanna Schygulla, János Derzsi, Lars Rudolph, Mihály Kormos, Péter Dobai, Peter Fitz, Putyi Horváth
Country: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy
Company: 13 Productions, ARTE, Fondazione Monte Cinema Verità
Worldwide Gross: $69,923