Werewolf: The Beast Among Us
Set in a 19th-century European village, this film follows a young medical student, Daniel, who becomes entangled in the hunt for a deadly werewolf terrorizing the community. As a team of skilled hunters arrives to track down the beast, Daniel finds himself drawn into the dangerous pursuit, uncovering dark secrets along the way. The movie features performances by Ed Quinn and Stephen Rea, adding depth to the thrilling narrative. Directed by Louis Morneau, it offers a blend of horror and action, making it an engaging watch. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Louis Morneau
Actors: Adam Croasdell, Ana Ularu, Ed Quinn, Guy Wilson, Nia Peeples, Rachel DiPillo, Razvan Gheorghiu, Stephen Rea, Steven Bauer, Zoltan Butuc
Country: United States of America
Company: Capital Arts Entertainment, Universal 1440 Entertainment