West of Sunshine
In this Australian drama, the story follows a father, played by Damian Hill, who is given a day to repay a debt to a violent loan shark while also trying to care for his young son. The film explores themes of desperation, fatherhood, and redemption, set against the backdrop of Melbourne’s urban landscape. Directed by Jason Raftopoulos, the movie offers a gritty and heartfelt portrayal of a man’s struggle to balance his responsibilities and personal demons. While it may not have garnered major awards, it has been noted for its authentic performances and compelling narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Jason Raftopoulos
Actors: Arthur Angel, Christopher Laino, Damian Hill, Eliza Matengu, Faye Smythe, Kaarin Fairfax, Kat Stewart, Liam Seymour, Tony Nikolakopoulos, Ty Perham
Country: Australia
Company: Exile Entertainment, Small Village Films
Worldwide Gross: $24,760