What We Become
In this Danish horror-thriller, a suburban family finds their peaceful life disrupted when a mysterious virus outbreak leads to a government-imposed quarantine. As tensions rise and resources dwindle, the family must navigate the growing chaos and threats both inside and outside their home. Directed by Bo Mikkelsen, the film explores themes of survival and human nature under duress. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a gripping narrative and atmospheric tension. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Director: Bo Mikkelsen
Actors: Benjamin Engell, Diana Axelsen, Ella Solgaard, Marie Hammer Boda, Mikael Birkkjær, Mille Dinesen, Rita Angela, Simon Papousek, Therese Damsgaard, Troels Lyby
Country: Denmark
Company: Meta Film
Worldwide Gross: $39,234