Whispering Corridors
In this South Korean horror film, the story unfolds within the eerie confines of an all-girls high school, where a series of mysterious deaths spark fear and suspicion among students and faculty. The narrative delves into themes of friendship, authority, and the supernatural, as the characters grapple with the haunting presence that seems to linger in the school’s corridors. Directed by Ki-hyeong Park, the film is noted for its atmospheric tension and social commentary on the rigid educational system. While it did not receive major awards, it has gained a cult following and is credited with revitalizing the Korean horror genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ki-hyeong Park
Actors: Choi Kang-hee, Kim Gyu-ri, Kim Min-jung, Kim Roi-ha, Kim Yu-seok, Lee Mi-yeon, Lee Yong-nyeo, Park Jin-Hee, Yoo Yeon-soo, Yoon Ji-hye
Country: South Korea
Company: Cine-2000 Film Production