Wild Indian
In this intense drama, the story follows two Native American men who share a dark secret from their childhood that continues to haunt them into adulthood. As they navigate their lives, the film explores themes of identity, trauma, and redemption. The movie features standout performances from Michael Greyeyes and Chaske Spencer, adding depth to the complex narrative. Directed by Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr., this film delves into the psychological impact of past actions on present lives. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr.
Actors: Chaske Spencer, Elisha Pratt, Jesse Eisenberg, Julian Gopal, Kate Bosworth, Lisa Cromarty, Michael Greyeyes, Phoenix Wilson, Scott Haze, Tres Garcia
Country: United States of America
Company: 30WEST, BoulderLight Pictures, Cinereach
Worldwide Gross: $197