Wild Mountain Thyme
Set against the picturesque backdrop of rural Ireland, this romantic drama follows the story of two star-crossed lovers, Anthony and Rosemary, whose families are embroiled in a land dispute. The film stars Emily Blunt and Jamie Dornan, whose performances bring depth to their characters’ complex relationship. Directed by John Patrick Shanley, the movie explores themes of love, family, and the longing for connection. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a charming narrative with a touch of whimsy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Patrick Shanley
Actors: Barry McGovern, Christopher Walken, Clare Barrett, Danielle Ryan, Darragh O'Kane, Dearbhla Molloy, Don Wycherley, Emily Blunt, Jamie Dornan, Jon Hamm
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Amasia Entertainment, Aperture Media Partners, Likely Story
Worldwide Gross: $1,517,267