Wild Rose
In this 2019 film directed by Tom Harper, a young Scottish woman named Rose-Lynn Harlan, played by Jessie Buckley, dreams of becoming a country music star while grappling with the responsibilities of motherhood and her recent release from prison. The narrative follows her journey as she navigates personal and professional challenges in pursuit of her aspirations. The film is noted for Buckley’s compelling performance and its authentic portrayal of the struggle between ambition and duty. While it did not win major awards, it received critical acclaim for its heartfelt storytelling and strong musical elements. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Tom Harper
Actors: Adam Mitchell, Craig Parkinson, Daisy Littlefield, James Harkness, Jamie Sives, Janey Godley, Jessie Buckley, Julie Walters, Louise McCarthy, Maureen Carr, Sophie Okonedo
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: British Film Institute (BFI), Creative Scotland, Entertainment One
Worldwide Gross: $7,123,449