Wind River
Set against the stark and unforgiving landscape of a Wyoming Native American reservation, this gripping thriller follows a seasoned wildlife tracker, played by Jeremy Renner, as he teams up with an inexperienced FBI agent, portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen, to solve the mystery of a young woman’s death. The film, directed by Taylor Sheridan, delves into themes of loss, justice, and the harsh realities faced by indigenous communities. Notably, the movie received critical acclaim for its atmospheric storytelling and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Western
Director: Taylor Sheridan
Actors: Elizabeth Olsen, Gil Birmingham, Graham Greene, Hugh Dillon, Jeremy Renner, Jon Bernthal, Kelsey Asbille, Matthew Del Negro, Tantoo Cardinal, Teo Briones
Country: Canada, France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Acacia Filmed Entertainment, Savvy Media Holdings, The Fyzz Facility
Worldwide Gross: $44,202,682