In this 1997 horror film, a malevolent djinn is unleashed from a gemstone, granting twisted wishes that lead to chaos and destruction. The story follows a young woman who inadvertently awakens the ancient creature and must find a way to stop it before it unleashes its full power upon the world. Directed by Robert Kurtzman, the movie features notable performances by Andrew Divoff and Tammy Lauren. Horror icons such as Robert Englund and Tony Todd make appearances, adding to the film’s appeal for genre enthusiasts. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robert Kurtzman
Actors: Andrew Divoff, Angus Scrimm, Ari Barak, Dan Hicks, Greg Funk, Jake McKinnon, Richard Assad, Robert Englund, Tammy Lauren, Ted Raimi
Country: United States of America
Company: Image Organization, Pierre David
Worldwide Gross: $15,738,769