Woman in the Dunes
A mesmerizing exploration of human existence and entrapment, this 1964 Japanese film follows an entomologist who finds himself trapped in a remote desert village. Tasked with shoveling sand alongside a mysterious woman, he grapples with the futility and absurdity of his situation. Directed by Hiroshi Teshigahara, the film is renowned for its haunting cinematography and existential themes. It was nominated for two Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Foreign Language Film. Starring Eiji Okada and Kyoko Kishida, this cinematic masterpiece can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Hiroshi Teshigahara
Actors: Eiji Okada, Ginzô Sekiguchi, Hiroko Itō, Kōji Mitsui, Kyôko Kishida, Sen Yano
Country: Japan