Set against the gritty backdrop of a Dominican Republic prison, this film explores the lives of inmates who communicate through an intricate sign language known as “woodpecking.” The story follows Julián, played by Jean Jean, as he navigates the complex social dynamics within the prison walls and becomes entangled in a forbidden romance. Directed by José María Cabral, the film offers a raw and authentic portrayal of life behind bars, highlighting themes of love, survival, and resilience. Notably, the film was selected as the Dominican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama
Director: José María Cabral
Actors: Aleja Johnson, Carlota Carretero, Jean Jean, Judith Rodríguez, Judith Rodriguez Perez, Keunis Álvarez, Manuel Raposo, Mario Nunez, Merionne Toussaint, Ramón Emilio Candelario
Country: Dominican Republic
Company: Tabula Rasa Films