Working Man
In this poignant drama, the story follows an aging factory worker, played by Peter Gerety, who continues to show up for work every day despite the factory’s closure. As he grapples with the loss of purpose and routine, he forms an unexpected bond with a fellow worker, portrayed by Billy Brown, who joins him in his daily ritual. The film explores themes of identity, community, and resilience in the face of change. Directed by Robert Jury, this film offers a heartfelt look at the struggles of the working class. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Robert Jury
Actors: Barbara E. Robertson, Billy Brown, Bobby Richards, J. Salome Martinez, Kirsten Fitzgerald, Mike Brunlieb, Patrese McClain, Peter Gerety, Ryan Hallahan, Talia Shire
Country: United States of America
Company: Morgan's Mark, Story and Film, Workingman Partners