X-men 2: X-men United
In this thrilling sequel, the X-Men face a new threat as a military scientist, William Stryker, launches an attack on Professor Xavier’s school, forcing the mutants to unite against a common enemy. The film delves deeper into the personal struggles and alliances of characters like Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, and introduces new mutants with unique abilities. Directed by Bryan Singer, the movie is noted for its engaging storyline and impressive special effects. Notably, the film features a talented ensemble cast, including Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, and Halle Berry. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Genre: Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Marvel, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Bryan Singer
Actors: Aaron Douglas, Aaron Pearl, Aaron Stanford, Alan Cumming, Alf Humphreys, Alfonso Quijada, Anna Paquin, Benjamin Glenday, Brad Loree, Brian Cox, Brian Peck, Bruce Davison, Bryan Singer, Bryce Hodgson, Charles Siegel, Chiara Zanni, Colin Lawrence, Connor Widdows, Cotter Smith, Dan Harris, Daniel Cudmore, David Fabrizio, Devin Douglas Drewitz, Dylan Kussman, Famke Janssen, Glen Curtis, Greg Rikaart, Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Jackie A. Greenbank, James Kirk, James Marsden, Jason S. Whitmer, Jermaine Lopez, Jill Krop, Jill Teed, Katie Stuart, Kea Wong, Keely Purvis, Kelly Hu, Kendall Cross, Kurt Max Runte, Layke Anderson, Lori Stewart, Mark Lukyn, Marrett Green, Mi-Jung Lee, Michael David Simms, Michael Dougherty, Michael Joycelyn, Michael Reid MacKay, Michael Soltis, Michasha Armstrong, Nolan Gerard Funk, Patrick Stewart, Peter Wingfield, Rebecca Romijn, Rene Quijada, Richard Bradshaw, Richard C. Burton, Robert Hayley, Roger Cross, Shauna Kain, Shawn Ashmore, Sheri G. Feldman, Sideah Alladice, Steve Bacic, Ted Friend, Ty Olsson
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Donners' Company, Marvel Enterprises, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $407,711,549