Year of the Comet
In this 1992 film directed by Peter Yates, a young wine expert, played by Penelope Ann Miller, stumbles upon a rare bottle of wine that sets off a thrilling adventure. Accompanied by a charming but reluctant partner, portrayed by Tim Daly, she navigates a world of intrigue and danger as they try to protect their valuable find. The film combines elements of romance and comedy with a touch of suspense, offering an entertaining ride for viewers. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a unique entry in the adventure-comedy genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance
Director: Peter Yates
Actors: Art Malik, Ian McNeice, Ian Richardson, Louis Jourdan, Penelope Ann Miller, Tim Bentinck, Tim Daly
Country: United States of America
Company: Castle Rock Entertainment, New Line Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $2,791,515