In this imaginative film directed by Danny Boyle, a struggling musician named Jack Malik, played by Himesh Patel, wakes up after a mysterious global blackout to discover that he is the only person who remembers The Beatles. As he begins to perform their iconic songs, he quickly rises to fame, grappling with the moral implications of his newfound success. The film also stars Lily James as Ellie, Jack’s devoted friend and manager, and features a cameo by Ed Sheeran. This unique premise explores themes of fame, creativity, and authenticity. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 41
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Music, Romance
Director: Danny Boyle
Actors: Ed Sheeran, Ellise Chappell, Harry Michell, Himesh Patel, Joel Fry, Karma Sood, Kate McKinnon, Lily James, Meera Syal, Michael Kiwanuka, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Sarah Lancashire, Sophia Di Martino, Vincent Franklin
Country: China, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Perfect World Pictures, Universal Pictures, Working Title Films
Worldwide Gross: $154,608,856