Yesterday Once More
In this romantic crime drama directed by Johnnie To, the story revolves around a pair of charming and sophisticated thieves, played by Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng, who are former lovers. Their paths cross once again when they both set their sights on a valuable necklace, leading to a series of clever heists and emotional entanglements. The film explores themes of love, trust, and deception, set against a backdrop of high-stakes thievery. While it did not receive any major awards, the chemistry between the lead actors and the stylish direction make it a notable entry in the genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Johnnie To
Actors: Andy Lau, Andy Lau Tak-Wah, Carl Ng, Chiu Chi-Shing, Chun Wong, Hui Shiu-Hung, Hui Siu-Hung, Jenny Hu, Lam Ka-tung, Ronald Yan Mau-Keung, Sammi Cheng, Shiu-Hung Hui, Teddy Lin, Wong Chun
Country: Hong Kong
Company: Media Asia Films, Milky Way Image Company, Sil-Metropole Organisation
Worldwide Gross: $4,301,784