Yi Yi
This critically acclaimed film, directed by Edward Yang, intricately weaves the lives of a Taiwanese family as they navigate personal and collective challenges over the course of a year. The narrative delves into themes of existential reflection and the complexities of modern life, offering a poignant exploration of human relationships. The film received the Best Director award at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its international recognition. Notably, the film features a talented ensemble cast, including Wu Nien-jen and Kelly Lee. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Edward Yang
Actors: Adriene Lin, Elaine Jin, Hsi-Sheng Chen, Issey Ogata, Jonathan Chang, Kelly Lee, Shu-shen Hsiao, Su-Yun Ko, Tao Chuang Cheng, Wu Nien-Jen, 吴念真
Company: 1+2 Seisaku Iinkai, Atom Films, AtomFilms
Worldwide Gross: $1,196,218