In this visually stunning film directed by Paolo Sorrentino, two lifelong friends, a retired composer and a film director, reflect on their lives while vacationing at a luxurious Swiss Alps resort. The narrative delves into themes of aging, creativity, and the passage of time, all set against a backdrop of breathtaking landscapes. The film features standout performances by stars such as Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel, adding depth to its contemplative storyline. Notably, the movie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Paolo Sorrentino
Actors: Alex MacQueen, Harvey Keitel, Jane Fonda, Luna Mijović, Mark Kozelek, Michael Caine, Paul Dano, Rachel Weisz, Robert Seethaler, Tom Lipinski
Country: France, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Company: Barbary Films, Bluebush Productions, Indigo Film, Pathé
Worldwide Gross: $23,469,540