Zero Dark Thirty
Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, this gripping thriller chronicles the decade-long hunt for the notorious terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, following the relentless efforts of a determined CIA operative played by Jessica Chastain. The film delves into the complexities and moral ambiguities of intelligence work, offering a tense and detailed portrayal of the events leading up to the pivotal raid. Notably, the movie received critical acclaim and was nominated for several Academy Awards, with Chastain’s performance earning particular praise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 12
Genre: Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Kathryn Bigelow
Actors: Alexander Karim, Callan Mulvey, Chris Pratt, Edgar RamĂrez, Fares Fares, Frank Grillo, Harold Perrineau, J.J. Kandel, James Gandolfini, Jason Clarke, Jeff Mash, Jennifer Ehle, Jeremy Strong, Jessica Chastain, Jessica Collins, Joel Edgerton, John Barrowman, John Schwab, Kyle Chandler, Mark Duplass, Mark Strong, Martin Delaney, Mike Colter, Nash Edgerton, Phil Somerville, Reda Kateb, Ricky Sekhon, Scott Adkins, Siaosi Fonua, Stephen Dillane, Taylor Kinney
Country: India, Jordan, United States of America
Company: Annapurna Pictures, Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, First Light Production
Worldwide Gross: $132,820,716