Front Cover
In this 2016 film directed by Ray Yeung, the story follows Ryan Fu, a gay Chinese-American fashion stylist, who is tasked with working alongside Ning, a famous Chinese actor. As they collaborate on a high-profile photo shoot, cultural clashes and personal secrets come to the forefront, challenging their perceptions and leading to unexpected personal growth. The film stars Jake Choi and James Chen, who deliver compelling performances that explore themes of identity and acceptance. This heartfelt narrative can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Ray Yeung
Actors: Ben Baur, Elizabeth Sung, Jack Ferver, Jake Choi, James Chen, Jennifer Neala Page, Josh Folan, Li Jun Li, Rachel Lu, Sonia Villani
Country: United States of America
Company: NewVoice Production
Worldwide Gross: $26,409